While I'm Away...

Friday, April 2, 2004 at 8:04 am | Comments off

A nice little beach

Yep, tomorrow I'm heading out with my family and some friends for some good 'ol Florida sun. We're going to be down there for 10 days, and plan to hit Sea World in Orlando, then shoot over to Busch Gardens in Tampa Bay. We'll be spending a day at each of those, and then we'll head up to the Panhandle to go to a little state park known as Henderson Beach State Park. We were there a couple of years ago, and the sand was just incredible. Pure white as far as you could see. Should be a good time.

We're driving down, and as it is a 24 hour drive (1500 miles), I'm planning to take my laptop along and get a bit of work done while traveling. I'm looking forward to a bit of R & R, so I won't be pushing myself too hard. I'm just going to try to a few small things done — it is a vacation, after all. ;)

Also, while we're gone, we're going to start the process of changing our DSL providers. We were supposed to be disconnected from our current provider on March 1st, but that never happened. When we called them to ask about it, we were told that we weren't even in their database. What an efficient company. So, we just got a month of free internet, which would all be good, except the line charge alone with our old provider is more than the cost of the DSL service will be through our new provider. Anyway, I'm hoping that our old provider can finally figure out how to disconnect us, so we'll have our new service by the time we get home.


April 2nd, 2004
10:56 AM | #

Enjoy yourself, but don't work too hard...

Robert Wellock
April 2nd, 2004
11:39 AM | #

The date says April 1st, so...

April 2nd, 2004
3:50 PM | #

Nope, no April fools joke. We'll be leaving tonight around 5 PM, CST. I posted that yesterday because our old DSL provider was supposed to disconnect our DSL last night - didn't happen. Guess we'll have to give them a nice friendly call asking them what the heck their problem is...

April 3rd, 2004
4:18 AM | #

I'll be headed down to Florida myself in 3 weeks =D Hava a good time!

Paul Jr
April 3rd, 2004
8:32 AM | #

You are so lucky. ;-) I've been to Florida just once, and it was a blast. Have loads of fun!

April 4th, 2004
3:44 AM | #

Hey Ryan, you have a good time now, ya hear?! ;)

April 6th, 2004
10:06 PM | #

Have a good time pyro, ill miss your PHP help while your away, I guess ill have to get someone else :p

April 7th, 2004
12:56 AM | #

Have fun. I have been to Florida many times only cause my grandparents live there.

April 8th, 2004
1:36 AM | #

Have a good time man! Watch out for that Florida sun, I hear it can get be pretty harsh!

April 8th, 2004
1:37 AM | #

Have a good time man! Watch out for that Florida sun, I hear it can be pretty harsh!

nick waters (peofeo)
April 18th, 2004
8:36 PM | #

I live in florida, its only harsh if you are a pansy :P

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