The Thoughts and Ponderings of Ryan Brill

Monday, November 10, 2003 at 11:51 pm | Comments off

I started designing this site as a simple demonstration of what CSS can do in the absence of tables and decided to try my hand at a blog. Perhaps it will only last a week or a month, or perhaps I'll like doing this, and I'll keep it up. I do have a confession to make. This site will probably bore the heck out of all non-geeks. I'll probably be talking a lot about web development, and the things that would only interest other web developers. Sorry. Sort of.

For those into web development, you just might enjoy this. Not sure what I'll be talking about, but as a hint, I'm planning to release an article here soon on how one can run multiple versions of Internet Explorer simultaneously on one computer, with one operating system. This is also my testing area, where I may try new things out before I dare to use them on a commercial site. Since I like to think of myself as a designer as well as a programmer, I'll probably be covering both topics.

Just for kicks, I might throw in some little tidbits about my life. Rather presumptuous, eh? For me to write about my life, I'd have to think you might care enough about it to read it. ;)

Please, feel free to add comments to this or following additions to my blog. I'd love to hear what you are thinking about what I am thinking about. I'll be reading your comments and I'll even be responding to some of them. As this is the first entry, and there really is nothing to comment on, I'd love to hear what you think about this site, either aesthetically, or programmatically, depending on how you look at things. Take a look around and let me know!


November 11th, 2003
12:09 AM | #

Sweet job, man. Photography was great for the logo. Well designed. :)

xaxei sux0rzh@jc0rz
November 12th, 2003
2:39 AM | #

welp, I think it's awesome looking on both PC and Mac. nice job. and yeah the colors you choose are perfect. nice and tranquil.

Paul Jr
November 13th, 2003
5:04 AM | #

P|-|@ site man! Mad props are to be given out daily, for the rest of your life -- like the lottery. This is an awesome site...superlative design. Excellent photography for the logo. Perfect color scheme. I could sit and stare at this site all day -- without getting bored, or having my eyes strained.

November 18th, 2003
4:39 AM | #

WOW... This site is just AWESOME. As a web designer myself, I always like to see "well designed, standard compliant and attractive web sites." Excellent job on the logo-GREAT CLARITY and READIBILITY. Keep up the good work!!!:)

November 18th, 2003
6:55 AM | #

hey man .. this is a good site i like it ... u did a very good job on it too... It is well desinged too ..

November 18th, 2003
10:06 PM | #

Glad you all liked the site. Hope you stick around. :)

Robert Wellock
November 19th, 2003
4:18 PM | #

I don't know, webmasters seem to be getting more younger every year it makes me feel relatively old since I remember being brought up on Netscape 3.0.

Toby Steward
December 18th, 2003
1:57 PM | #

i started web site design at the age of 9 years............ had a break at the age of ten and got re-interested at 13. now i am 16 and learning more and more. i part timely offer web design services with a couple of friends.

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